The Association of Medical Doctors of Asia Scholarship: Your Pathway to an Advanced Medical Degree

The Association of Medical Doctors of Asia Scholarship offers a remarkable opportunity for students pursuing advanced medical degrees. As medical innovation progresses at a rapid pace, obtaining specialty training and advanced certifications is becoming increasingly important for doctors across Asia. The AMDA scholarship aims to support promising medical students by financing their graduate medical education. 

Background on AMDA

The Association of Medical Doctors of Asia (AMDA) is a non-profit organization founded in 2007 with the goal of promoting healthcare development, research, and education across Asia. Headquartered in Seoul, South Korea, AMDA currently has over 5,000 members representing 25 different countries in Asia. Through educational symposiums, clinical research collaboration, and scholarships, AMDA works to build networks between medical institutions and advance standards of care.

One of AMDA’s flagship initiatives is their international scholarship program for graduate medical studies. Recognizing the need for more specialists and subspecialists in many Asian nations, AMDA began offering full or partial funding for Master, Doctoral, or specialty training programs abroad. So far, they have awarded over 100 scholarships totaling more than $2 million in financial support.

Eligibility Requirements for the Association of Medical Doctors of Asia Scholarship

To be eligible for the AMDA scholarship, applicants must meet the following basic criteria:

  • Citizen of an Asian country that is a member state of AMDA (current members include South Korea, Japan, China, India, Philippines, Thailand, etc.)
  • Graduated from medical school and obtained an MD degree recognized in their home country
  • Accepted into a graduate medical program at an accredited institution abroad
  • Commitment to return home and practice medicine upon completion of studies
  • Demonstrated academic excellence, leadership potential, and passion for healthcare
  • Fluency in English (the language of instruction for sponsored programs)

Priority is given to applicants pursuing specialty training, Masters, or Doctoral degrees in fields with high demand like cardiology, oncology, infectious disease, family medicine, etc. Programs must be full-time and take place at accredited medical institutions in countries like the United States, Canada, United Kingdom, Australia, or certain European nations.

Application Process and Deadlines

Applying for the AMDA scholarship is a multi-step process:

  1. Open Application Period: Applications are accepted yearly between January 1st and March 31st. All required documents must be submitted by the deadline.
  2. Initial Screening: AMDA reviews all applications and selects the most qualified based on merit, credentials, proposed field of study, and likelihood of giving back to the home country upon return.
  3. Interviews: Shortlisted candidates will be interviewed either in person at AMDA headquarters or via video call to assess language ability, commitment to serving underserved populations, and leadership potential.
  4. Verification and Award Notification: AMDA verifies all application materials and credentials are authentic. Scholarship recipients are notified by email between May 15th and June 30th.
  5. Scholarship Agreement: Awarded candidates must sign an agreement detailing terms, commitment to return home, and potential penalties for non-compliance before receiving funding.

The application consists of personal and academic transcripts, letters of recommendation, proposed program of study, future career goals statement, resume/CV, and proof of admission. It is recommended to apply as early as possible before the deadline to avoid delays. The selection process is highly competitive.

Scholarship Benefits and Funding Amounts

If selected as an AMDA scholar, recipients receive the following benefits:

Tuition and Academic Fees

AMDA covers the full cost of tuition and mandatory fees charged by the graduate medical program for the standard duration. This may include tuition, registration costs, technology/e-learning access, and other academic expenses.

Living Allowance

Scholars also receive a monthly living stipend of $1,500-$2,000, depending on location, to help support basic living expenses like housing, food, and transportation during their studies. Stipends are paid directly to the scholar’s bank account on a quarterly basis.

Health Insurance Coverage

AMDA provides comprehensive health insurance for the duration of the scholarship to ensure scholars have access to needed healthcare while away from their home country. This removes an important financial concern for focusing on studies.

Conference and Research Support

AMDA supports scholars’ professional development by covering reasonable travel and accommodation costs for attending 1-2 medical conferences per year. They also provide up to $2,000 annually to fund electives, research projects, learning materials, or other academic enrichments.

In total, a full AMDA scholarship is valued between $80,000-150,000, depending on program length and location factors. This level of funding allows scholars to pursue graduate medical training without the burden of significant loans or costs holding them back from their educational and career goals.

Reporting Requirements and Obligations

To maintain their AMDA scholarship in good standing, recipients agree to the following responsibilities:

  • Submit semester or annual academic progress reports to AMDA verifying continued full-time enrollment and good academic performance.
  • Inform AMDA immediately about any change in enrollment status, leave of absence, program extension, or anticipated graduation delay.
  • Participate in 2-3 networking events with other AMDA scholars and members during their studies.
  • Upon graduation, provide a copy of the degree or certificate and a one-page report on their experience to AMDA.

Most importantly, scholarship recipients commit to returning home and practicing medicine in their home country for a minimum of two years upon completion. They further agree to maintain contact with AMDA and potentially serve as mentors/judges for future scholarship applicants. Any failure to meet these obligations may result in requests for partial or full repayment of funds received.

Notable AMDA Alumni and Their Impact

One of the biggest successes of the AMDA scholarship program has been the caliber of medical professionals it has helped develop and its profound impact so far. Here are a few notable alumni making meaningful contributions:

  • Dr. Wang Jing (China) – Completed a pediatric hematology/oncology fellowship at SickKids Hospital in Canada through AMDA support. Now leads a major cancer initiative at one of China’s top children’s hospitals.
  • Dr. Park Hyun (South Korea) – Obtained a Master’s in Public Health from Johns Hopkins University on an AMDA scholarship. Works with the WHO advising on global pandemic response strategy and policy.
  • Dr. Srinivasan Sridevi (India) – Finished a cardiothoracic surgery residency at Cambridge University Hospital, UK. Performs life-saving heart surgeries and holds weekly rural outreach clinics.
  • Dr. Vo Trinh (Vietnam) – Earned a Doctor of Medicine from Yale with AMDA aid. Founded a telehealth network to deliver specialty care to remote areas lacking resources.

These stories illustrate how AMDA scholars go on to spearhead major medical initiatives, conduct impactful research, train future generations, and expand access to care for underserved communities across Asia.

Frequently Asked Questions

Now that we have extensively covered the key aspects of the AMDA scholarship program, let’s address some frequently asked questions scholars and prospective applicants may have:

1. What programs and fields are most competitive to get funded?

Specialties with critical physician shortages like cardiology, oncology, anesthesiology, and programs to become infectious disease physicians tend to be prioritized. Less saturated fields may still be supported depending on an applicant’s credentials and commitment to community service.

2. Can the scholarship be deferred if my graduate program is delayed?

Yes, AMDA allows deferrals of up to one year if a scholar’s enrollment into their sponsored graduate program gets postponed for valid reasons. The award commitment still applies upon commencement of studies.

3. What happens if I am unable to complete my degree on time?

Scholars are expected to finish within the standard program duration. Extensions up to 6-12 months may be permitted for academic or personal reasons with AMDA’s approval to maintain funding. Terminating studies or dropping out of the program will void the scholarship agreement.

4. What if I cannot fulfill the return-home obligation?

AMDA understands unexpected life events occur. Scholars facing legitimate hardship preventing a two-year return commitment can request a waiver by providing documentation for AMDA to consider. Partial repayment of funds may still apply in certain approved scenarios.

5. How do I strengthen my application for next year if not selected?

Gaining clinical experience, participating in research, volunteering, or publishing can enhance an application over time. Candidates are welcome to re-apply annually and should address any feedback provided on prior submissions. Taking the MCAT, GRE, or other standardized exams early also demonstrates academic preparedness.


Pursuing an advanced medical degree opens up tremendous opportunities to deepen one’s expertise, contribute as a specialist, and potentially catalyze widespread improvements in healthcare systems back home. Yet accessing top international training programs frequently presents financial hurdles. The AMDA scholarship program helps ambitious, qualified applicants overcome this barrier by investing in their promise and potential for future community impact. For those aspiring to medical leadership roles or seeking specialty training

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